WNBL 242, acrylic ink, 11.5 x 9.5 in. $450.

WNBL 234, ink / watercolor, 10 x 8 in. $450.

WNBL 187, ink / watercolor, 11.5 x i9.5 in. $450.

WNBL 204, ink / watercolor, 11.5 x 9.5 in. $450.

WNBL 192, ink/wc, 11.5 x 9.5 in. $450.

WNBL 211, ink / watercolor, 11.5 x 9.5 in. $450.
Ascent 5, High fired ceramic, 18 x 12 x 7 in. $600.
Ascent 8, high fired ceramic, 16 x 9 x 6 in., $600.

Luminous 24, watercolor, 30 x 31 in. $2600.

Union 26, acrylic /wc, 40 x 41 in., archival framing. $3500. SOLD
This painting was in the de Young Open Museum exhibition from 10 / 10 - 1 / 3/2021.
Enjoy these links about the show anytime:
Video: Curator Tour with Timothy A. BurgardVideo: Artist Reactions from Opening Day
The de Young Open Installation Images The de Young Open Web Gallery

WNBL 77, ink, 10 x 8 in. $450.
WNBL 109, ink, 10 x 8 in. $450.
WNBL 72, , Ink, 10 x 8 in. $450.
Abstracted Crucifixion, wood, stone, ceramic. 32 x 28 x 11. $1200.
Mini Masterpieces. Group show. Napa Valley Museum. 2023
Bellissimo - Exhibition of Contempory Italian Artists. I was delighted to have two paintings and two sculptures in this exciting show at the Village Theatre Art Gallery in Danville, Ca. Show dates were Aug 19 - Oct. 14th, 2021. www.danville,ca,gov/art.
de Young Museum Open Exhibition 2020. My painting, Union 26 (above) was selected to be in this large show of San Francisco Bay Area Artists. I was delighted to share the great news. Show dates were 10/10 - 1/3/2021.
I am a Napa Valley, Ca. artist who is spiritually empowered to create luminous Abstract Expressionist artworks. I've been creating original works of art for over 40 years. I have also taught abstract painting for many years and continue to privately.
An ink drawing of mine is in the permanent collection of the Achenbach Foundation at the Palace of legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco.
To visit my studio in Napa, Ca. practicing current safety guidlines contact me [email protected].
Sales; All artwork on this website is available for purchase unless marked sold or on hold. Most works are unframed unless noted. Please email me with your selection(s). I can use Pay Pal but prefer personal checks. Most 2d artworks canbe safely shipped.
Be sure to look at my Testimonals page - Go to Menu.
Napa Valley Register Newspaper published an informative and enjoyable article on my art. It was an in depth article written by Rosemarie Kempton for the June 11, 2020, edition. Please Click Here to read the online edition.
I am happy to make individual appointments at my studio space in Napa comfortably practicing safety guidelines.
Contact me : [email protected]
New News: 2021
I had my painting, Union 26, (above) selected for the de Young Museum Open exhibition of San Francisco Bay Area artists from 10/10/2020 to 1/3 /2021.
New News: 2020
I was delighted to receive this notification! ArtJobs.com, part of ArtWeek.com, choose me as one of five winners in their intenational online competition.
100's of artists applied.
Two paintings were chosen. One is Luminous 23 featured above. The other is Unknowing 28 in my web site. I must admit they both have dynamic energy. Do you feel/see that? Both are available at my studio now. Please forward this to your Abstract loving friends. Click on link to see more
Great News:
5 paintings were published in the June 2019 'Abstract' issue of the Canadian Art and Literature magazine, ArtAscent. This was a juried competition. To order the digital or print version go to ArtAscent.com. To see and purchase the originals contact me at [email protected]
The titles of the paintings published are; Luminous 3, Union 27,11,8 (NFS) and 7....all on this web site...go to home page and choose Gallery of Art on the menu bar. Check with me to see if they are available.
40 Year Anniversary Permanent CollectionExhibit at the Museo ItaloAmericano at Fort Mason , San Francisco. One large watercolor of mine, Presence 18, in their collection, will be on display! Opening Reception September 13th, 5:30 - 7:30. RSVP . Show Closes January 27, 2019.
Otherwise visits to my studio in Napa by appointment are easy and welcomed. Meeting the artist , seeing my work up close in the environment it is created is memorable!
[email protected]
Great News: It's now official that my pen and ink drawing titled 'WNBL # 22 ' is in the permanent collection of Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts at the Palace of Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco.
More exciting news: My large watercolor, Presence 18, is now in the permanent collection of the Museo ItaloAmericano at Fort Mason in San Francisco.
Solo Exhibit at Bump Wines in Sonoma, Ca. 11 - 2017
30 original artworks of mine in watercolor, ink, and mixed media sculpture were displayed.
Exciting Summer News - 2017
Napa Valley Life Magazine Summer Issue 2017 has a wonderful article and photos of me and my work. Pages 40 + 42.
Click here to read the article.
Written by Janna Waldinger
Pop- Up Exhibit - June 10th , 2017
At the Berkeley home of Art Historian Dr. Peter Selz.
Please join me and view my large watercolors set up on easels. They will be entermingled with Mr. Selz's notable modern art collection including Sam Francis, Max Beckman, De Kooning, Eduardo Chillida and others!
Art Collection
My Sapphire 9, watercolor, is in the art collection of Peter Selz PhD, along with Max Beckmann, Sam Francis, Robert Motherwell, Eduardo Chillida and Philip Guston!
I was selected to be a participant by the Clark Hulings Fund - Business Acelerator Program for Visual Artists.
Studio Visits by Appointment
CONTACT: [email protected]
Join my mailing list above for a monthly e-newsletter with new work and events.
WEB SITE: www.peterscaturro.com
PLEASE PASS this info to your valued contacts.
Blue Line Arts Gallery Group Abstract Exhibit.
Opening November 25th, 2016. I wll have 3 large watercolors from my Presence and Unknowing Series in the show. Artist Reception Dec. 17th, 6 - 8:30
Mythos Fine Art - Shades of Black and White -Group Exhibit
Opening Reception March12 -2016, 5:30 -8:30. Exhibit closes April 9th
1790 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley,Ca 94709
Sebastopol Center for the Arts, "Abstract" exhibit opens February 12th, 2016. Reception 6-7:30pm. I will have my watercolor Presence 23 on exhibit. Show ends 3/20/2016
Past Good News:
I have watercolors in the Mythos Gallery - 'Improvisations' - Group Show - 1790 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, Ca. October 24 - Novemeber 21st.
www mythosfirehouse.com, Contact me or Curator Sue Steel. Hrs : Wed & Sat 1:30 - 6pm, Fri. 4- 8pm
Also: I am one of the artists talking about my work on the Panel Discussion on Wed. Nov. 11th from 7 - 9pm. at Mythos.
My watercolor Presence 24 was selected by the Springfield Art Museum as their signature image to go on the Catalogue Cover for the Watercolor USA 2015 exhibition. Postcard invitations and banners were produced with the same image as well.
An Award of Excellence ($300) was given to me by the Watercolor Honor Society for my watercolor titled, Presence 24, which along with Presence 29 is in the national competition exhibition at the Springfield Art Museum Watercolor USA 2015, Mo. Opening reception on June 6th. Show closes August 23rd. Paintings are available for purchase. Contact me.
Good News:
Two of my watercolors were accpeted to the national competition exhibit at the Springfield Art Museum's Watercolor USA 2015. This exhibit began in 1962. It is Curated by Patricia Watt .
More Good News:
Four of my pen and inks drawings from my WhiteNight - BlackLight series were sold by the SFMOMA Artist Gallery to a collector in Baech, Switzerland. 2015
Watch for Engage Art Fair in Calistoga on the 25th and 26th of April. It is the inagural finale event for the Arts in April created by the hard working Arts Council of Napa Valley. 2015
4th Annual Plates and Totem Show @ bluelinear
ts.org Reception: October 18, 2014 from 6-9 pm. I made a Totem from my ceramic, 3 color clay components that was over 6 ft. tall!
Exhibition in San Francisco @ the Museo ItaloAmericano
Great Opening night on May 8th, 2014. Large crowd attended and sales were made. Show Closed August 10th.
Exhibit Dates were: May 9th - August 10th, 2014
Address: Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Boulevard, Building C, SanFrancisco, Ca. 94123
This was a 2 person show. I had over 50 works in abstract painting, pen and ink and sculpture.
Many artworks are available for purchase now at my studio in Napa. Please see contact me to arrange an appointment.
SOLD - Presence 25 and Presence 8 Look for them on loan in the exhibit on the title walll at the entrance to the show.
SOLD OUT First 6 watercolor collages from the 'Hearts Rising Series'
I was nominated to appy for the Eureka Fellowship Grant issued by the Fleischhacker Foundation of SanFrancisco.
Exhibit: A Date With the Devil @ Napa Valley Museum - Artist's Reception August 30th, 2013. Look for my original pen and ink in this exhibit. Closed 9/30 Original was sold.
Monthly Newsletter. If you would like to recieve updates of new paintings, drawings and sculptures please subscribe to my Newsletter by contacting me at [email protected].
MORE GOOD NEWS! My sculpture titled 'Offering 1 ' was juried into the Crocker Art Museum- Kingsley Art Club exhibit at Roseville Arts / Blue Line Gallery exhibit open November 17th. The Juror was Michael Duncan, contributing editor to Art in America magazine.
See me speaking informally about my work at www.youtube.com/peterscaturro
Other Past News:
Napa Valley Museum 'Minatures Exhibit' 2012
Napa Valley Register newspaper article on my Silk Scarf inspired by Presence Series # 7 . Click Here
Presence Seven and New Diamond 21, Crepe de Chine Silk Scarves can be found at Gumps in SF and Mustard Seed Clothing in Napa.
Siena Art Institute. Italy. "Drawing Connections" October 2011
My work has been represented by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Artists Gallery @ Fort Mason for many years.
Napa Support Services/Brown Street Gallery Fundraiser, Sunday May 15th, 2011 Live Art Auction at Silverado Resort. www.napasupportservices.org Napa Valley Register Newspaper article click here
Napa Valley Museum Exhibit '4 ON FOUR' Opening night , 1-23-10, Show closed 2-28-10
2009 shows :
Exhibition at the Museo ItaloAmericano @ Fort Mason in San Francisco March 3 - May 5, 2009
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art Bienial 2009 (Juried Group Show) September 5 -Nov.29 http://www.svma.org/exhibitionschedule.html?bpid=9664
142 Throckmorton Theatre (Solo Exhibit) in Mill Valley, Ca. November 1-29th
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE > Sunday 7/26/09. Art Critic KENNETH BAKER chose to give a notice to my exhibit in the DON'T MISS section of the Entertainment Pink Pages. Go to www.SFGate.com> search my name> scroll and click> my painting titled; NDS # 20
Comcast Cable TV Show Highlights my Exhibit: Go to> ON DEMAND> GET LOCAL> COMCAST HOMETOWN> INSIDE CITY LIMITS> EPISODE 4/8/09
Newspaper article on my show at the Museo. Here's the link. Just click on it.